
Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Hospitalized With Intestinal Obstruction

Jan 3, 2022

Team Of Crack Spelunkers Called In To Search For Leader’s Brain Container

One of the world’s remaining amateur Turdwaffle impersonators still clinging to power in the Western hemisphere was listed in critical but stable condition this morning after an expedition was launched to remove the head of Brazil’s leader from his large intestine after a skiing accident.

No other details were available as we clicked “Publish.”

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The Portland Pataphysical Outpatient Clinic, Lounge & Laundromat was founded by Lawrence Nada in a single-wide mobile tarpaper shanty on Mt. Gilead Rd, Pittsboro, NC in 1976, using Alfred Jarry's original recipe.

Committed to imaginary excellence, PPOCLL staff & patients offer #UncommonSense & demand side alternatives to #TheReaganLegacy's #SupplySide #PlantationEconomy & #CommunityPoliceState  which has left the USA so noxious that whales continue to beach themselves on our shores in protest.


Portland Pataphysical Outpatient Clinic, Lounge & Laundromat

Idiotville Tour Guides

P.O. Box 398

Banks, OR 97106-0398