
Fox Blasts 'Don't Look Up' As Thinly Veiled Climate Change Propaganda

Dec 25, 2021

Do Liberals Hate Good Paying Jobs?

 “Does anyone buy the idea that this is a science fiction film about a comet?” asked Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson. “Just look at who likes it. Does anyone smell the Green New Deal here? Well, I do.”

Carlson was not alone in his criticism of the new Adam McKay film on Netflix that boasts a cast of A-list liberals with antifa leanings who have never criticized New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who has is clearly prejudiced against the fossil fuel industry & the thousands of non-union workers that make it so profitable.

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The Portland Pataphysical Outpatient Clinic, Lounge & Laundromat was founded by Lawrence Nada in a single-wide mobile tarpaper shanty on Mt. Gilead Rd, Pittsboro, NC in 1976, using Alfred Jarry's original recipe.

Committed to imaginary excellence, PPOCLL staff & patients offer #UncommonSense & demand side alternatives to #TheReaganLegacy's #SupplySide #PlantationEconomy & #CommunityPoliceState  which has left the USA so noxious that whales continue to beach themselves on our shores in protest.


Portland Pataphysical Outpatient Clinic, Lounge & Laundromat

Idiotville Tour Guides

P.O. Box 398

Banks, OR 97106-0398