
Rep. Banks Questions January 6 Commission's Decision To "Spy" On House Republicans

Sep 29, 2021

The Founding Fathers Would Never Allow This!

To prove something or other, Indiana Representative Jim Banks objected to even the idea of subpoenas for phone records of House Repugnicunts because it “would depart from more than 230 years of Congressional oversight, especially wiretaps. Looking at our phone records amounts to spying using time travel.”

When pressed, the Representative let out a strange mewling sound.

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The Portland Pataphysical Outpatient Clinic, Lounge & Laundromat was founded by Lawrence Nada in a single-wide mobile tarpaper shanty on Mt. Gilead Rd, Pittsboro, NC in 1976, using Alfred Jarry's original recipe.

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Portland Pataphysical Outpatient Clinic, Lounge & Laundromat

Idiotville Tour Guides

P.O. Box 398

Banks, OR 97106-0398