
Joe Manchin Dashed Biden's Build Back Better Dreams. Here's Why He Did It

Dec 20, 2021

Moderate Clean Coal Nazi Denies Changing His Name From Manson Adding What If I Did?

“I’m so damn fed up with this liberal cancel culture,” the embittered Senator told Squeaky Biggins-Frome of Access Hollywood Sunday, immediately following his sound-bite opportunity with Brian Kilmeade on Fox News’ Meet The Alternative Facts earlier in the day. “I tried my best. I did everything my principles would allow to understand why I should abandon the people of West Virginia to benefit those who do not toil in the mines like they do. I just can’t do it.”

Manchin told Twiggins-Frome that he was particularly upset by “the vitriole coming from the White House staff, none of whom are my constituents.”

“I’m from West Virginia,” Manchin continued. “I’m not from where they come from, and they need to see that they can’t just threaten to beat the living crap out of my people and expect them to be submissive, especially when they’ve got all the guns.”

Manchin denied he was holding the country hostage for demands he has not yet fully articulated, shouting, “I’ve tried everything humanly possible. The people have spoken.

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The Portland Pataphysical Outpatient Clinic, Lounge & Laundromat was founded by Lawrence Nada in a single-wide mobile tarpaper shanty on Mt. Gilead Rd, Pittsboro, NC in 1976, using Alfred Jarry's original recipe.

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