
Tweets from Cassandra Widdershin's Blood Lion

Claim: White American Lawmakers Among Dumbest Lifeforms On Planet

Jun 26, 2022

Fact Check By The Law Of Averages

In recent weeks, The Portland Pataphysical Outpatient Clinic, Lounge, & Laundromat (PPOCLL) has received numerous anonymous debt-threats over our position that white does not make right and that the abject failure of America’s repatriation of 976 breeding pairs of European Nazis at the end of World War II should be obvious to even a marginally-intelligent elementary school student.

It’s also obvious America has more committed idiots in public office than any other so-called developed country on this dying planet.

You lay down with Nazis, you eventually don’t wake up or if you do, it’s in the most inconvenient & unexpected places, like in a dream, where you are reading a Joe Spooner comic about the Multnomah Animal Shelter where one of a trainload of starving dogs crammed into a shower is asking: “Where’s the soap?”

Review: It is obvious from examining The Portland Pataphysical Outpaient Clinic, Lounge, & Laundromat’s work since 1896 that there’s clear evidence that the organization does not care for didatic reality, but does have irrefutable positions on most questions involving individual automony over the one minute wishes of supply-side plantation owning capitalist pig-fuckers.

Conclusion: Who the fuck cares? We all smell pretty much the same when we rot.

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